a podcast at the intersection of Christianity & mental health.


Posts in Main Episodes
75 - Children's Mental Health (feat. Dr. Stephen Grcevich)

The first week of May is Children’s Mental Health Week, and to celebrate we’ve got the second part of our conversation with Dr. Stephen Grcevich! We cover a lot of ground including things to look for in children, the medicating of kids (are we overdoing it?), the rising rates of anxiety & ADHD in children, and helping our kids be resilient. In the intro, Robert & Holly talk about Burger King’s recent campaign “for” Mental Health Awareness Month.

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74 - How Do We Make Our Churches Inclusive for Mental Health? (feat. Dr. Stephen Grcevich)

In this episode, we’re joined by Dr. Stephen Grcevich (founder of Key Ministry and author of Mental Health and the Church) to talk about how we can make our churches & ministries more inclusive to those encountering mental health struggles and their families. Dr. Grcevich talks about the 7 barriers identified in his book and what we can do about them. (Next week, he comes back to talk about children’s mental health, so make sure you come back too!) In the intro, Holly and Robert discuss several birthdays and how to balance focusing on too many things at once.

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72 - Mentoring, Leading, & Empowering Others

Do you lead others in some capacity? (Hint: the answer is yes). This week, Holly and Robert talk about mentoring both formal and informal, the way we can lead others through our actions, and why empowering those coming behind us is important. We also touch on some important ideas like being aware of the social conditioning we’re experiencing and how to change those narratives.

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70 - Teens, Anxiety, & Self-Esteem (feat. Lisa Schab)

We’ve all seen the headlines in the past few years: adolescents seem to be wrestling with more anxiety than ever before. In this episode, we’re joined by Lisa Schab, LCSW who has written tons of mental health workbooks for teens. We talk about why the anxiety rates might be rising, the difference between stress & anxiety, what some practical skills are for individuals, and how adults can help in teens’ lives.

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69 - A Personal Journey into Social Work (feat. Kelsey Moffatt)

It only took a year, but the timing has worked out to air the last of the guest hosted episodes from last Spring! In this episode, Holly talks with Kelsey Moffatt, who (at the time) was a social work student getting ready to graduate. They talk about Kelsey’s story, why she thinks integrating faith into therapy is so important, being real with God in hard times, and more.

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68 - Faith & Doubt

It’s just us, folks. Robert and Holly got together in Atlanta to record this episode in person (the first CXMH episode ever recorded without Skype!). We talk about faith, why we think doubt is a good thing, and what it often looks like to move through our faith lives. We share our own faith journeys, as well as digging into some proposed Stages of Faith progressions.

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67 - Bullying (feat. Danielle Matthew)

Bullying: it seems like something we’re always hearing about, but never getting into the details of. Danielle Matthew, LMFT stops by to talk to us all about it: what are the different types of bullying? How do people experience bullying across their lifespan? How do we support victims of bullying, empower bystanders, and healthily address the bullies themselves? We touch on all of this and more.

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66 - Recovery Ministry (feat. Storey Cook)

This week, we’re airing an interview Holly recorded back when Robert was on podternity leave (flashback!). She talks with Storey Cook, director of Reclaim Recovery Ministry at Harris Creek in Waco. They talk about recovery ministries, how 12 step programs fit into a faith context, and the importance that doing your own work plays in helping others.

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64 - Singleness (feat. Holly Stallcup & Dr. Bella DePaulo)

It’s Valentine’s week, and one important conversation to have is about singleness. What messages do people get about being single? Are there positives and negatives? How can the church do a better job at creating space for single people to exist and to lead? We’re joined by Dr. Bella DePaulo and Holly Stallcup to talk about it.

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63 - Uncluttering Our Spaces, Our Schedules, & Our Lives (feat. Courtney Ellis)

Do we have too much clutter in our homes, schedule, and mind? Courtney Ellis (author of the new book Uncluttered: Free Your Space, Free Your Schedule, Free Your Soul) stops by to talk to us about her journey from more to less and how it was actually a journey from less to more. Don’t worry, this isn’t just an episode about organizing stuff: we talk about technology use, our busy schedules, the practice of Sabbath, and more (ok yes, including physical stuff).

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62 - Social Anxiety, Shyness vs. Confidence, & How to Make Friends (feat. Dr. Ellen Hendriksen)

This week, we’re joined by Dr. Ellen Hendriksen to talk about Social Anxiety! We touch on all sorts of things including shyness, the difference between being an introvert and being social anxious, how to help others, ways to challenge our own social anxiety, and how to make friends as an adult. Dr. Hendriksen is an expert on social anxiety and the author of How To Be Yourself: Quiet Your Inner Critic and Rise Above Social Anxiety.

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60 - Taking Care of Yourself During the Holidays (& Reflecting on the Year)

Have a seat here for a special holiday fireside chat with Robert & Holly. It’s the last episode of 2018, so we take a look back at the year and talk about what we’ve learned, as well as listing what we think could be better about the show in 2019. We also put on our respective therapist hats to talk about how the holidays are hard for a lot of people and the tension of a ‘joyful’ time of year when there’s so much pain happening around us. Lastly, we talk about self-care during the holidays and some ideas on being intentional about it. This one’s as full of suggestions as a full stocking or something. (I wanted to end on a holiday metaphor, you get the idea.)

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58 - Religious Coping Skills: Good, Bad, or Both? (feat. Dr. Kenneth Pargament)

How do our religious & spiritual beliefs factor into how we cope with hard times in our lives? Dr. Kenneth Pargament (author of The Psychology of Religion and Coping) comes by the show to talk to us about his work in exactly that area. We talk about integrating spirituality into therapy, various styles of coping using religious beliefs (self-directed, deferred, and collaborative), what some positive and negative coping skills could be, and more. In the intro, Robert & Holly talk about whether they like the holiday season, unique traditions, and hitting 50k downloads.

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57 - Why We Need Better Sleep (& How to Get It) (feat. Dr. Michael Scullin)

Hey, how’re you feeling today? Tired? Us too. This week, we’re joined by Dr. Michael Scullin (an expert in the connection between sleep & cognition) to talk about getting good sleep and how we’re not getting it. We talk about how lack of sleep impacts memory, driving, adolescents, college students, and tons more. Dr. Scullin also shares with us his top ten tips for getting better sleep!

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