a podcast at the intersection of Christianity & mental health.


147 - How to Play (& Why It Matters) (feat. Courtney Ellis)

This week we talk with pastor & author Courtney Ellis about playfulness! Why it matters, how it can show up in our everyday lives, and how to play more regularly. In the intro, Robert & Holly talk about games they’ve enjoyed recently.

Things we mention in this episode/other resources:

- CXMH ep. 63 - Uncluttering Our Spaces, Our Schedules, & Our Lives (feat. Courtney Ellis)
- the GoodReads giveaway for Holly’s book!
- The Honest Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone--Especially Ourselves by Dan Ariely
- Preorder Holly’s book now: The Soul of The Helper: Seven Stages to Seeing the Sacred Within Yourself So You Can See It In Others

Connect with Courtney on her website, on Twitter, on Facebook, or on Instagram. Buy Happy Now: Let Playfulness Lift Your Load and Renew Your Spirit on Amazon.


- “One of the best tools we have to find our way back into happiness is the tool of play.” (tweet)
- “Play and playfulness are not luxury items, they’re essentials to healthy life and healthy faith and healthy relationships.” (tweet)
- “It is the folks in our midst that have suffering the most that have the most to teach us about joy.” (tweet)

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Connect with Holly on her website, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

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Intro/Outro music for this episode is ‘Fall Down’ by Rivers & Robots.